2022-04-08 00:25

Omnichannel in retail

Omni-channel - Omni Channel Marketing (Omni - Latin - "everything, everyone"), Channel (channel) - English. "channel"

Speaking literally, it's not just about multi-channel, but about "everywhere-everything-and-at once-channel".

The omnichannel model is not limited to online. On the contrary, this strategy involves the tight integration of all types of interaction - both virtual and live.

Omni-channel = multi-channel + context:

The client conducts any operation through any convenient channel of communication with the company (call, chat, e-mail).

Organization of a single database of the history of customer requests through different channels.

Transition from one communication channel to another without losing the history of the context of the call.

Many companies, having taken care of a mobile and desktop site, presence in social networks and even offline, forget to simply integrate different communication channels with each other. It turns out a heap of unrelated data, inconvenience, dissatisfaction of the client.

An example of an unrelated interaction: you left a request on the site, when you called, you were asked again for data to find out the status of the order.

Or, by entering the application, you will not find current activities in your personal account.

Or it happens that the support service in instant messengers works by itself, the collection of leads on the site is by itself, and the employees of the store or point of issue do not understand at all what is happening outside their area of ​​responsibility.

In this case, the client is, to put it mildly, not happy that the seller does not have the opportunity to take care of his worries and provide him with a positive experience.

Instead, the client repeatedly provides the system with the same data and is forced to perform many actions on his own in order to be aware of updates regarding his service and the service as a whole.

The easiest and most effective way to analyze such a volume of “motley data” is end-to-end analytics.

Data collected from several sources, reflecting a holistic picture of the interaction with the client, provides much more adequate information for decision making than disparate observations.

Why do you need omnichannel in retail?

For any company that works with the end consumer, it is important to form a base of loyal customers and anticipate their needs and actions.

Omnichannel is also important for tracking negative sentiments and quickly processing such situations in order to retain customers by adjusting the service process.

Loyalty depends on omnichannel

Customer loyalty is directly proportional to the number of channels a customer uses to communicate with a brand. It is known that within six months after the experience of omnichannel interaction, customers often make repeated visits to the stores of a certain retailer and give their recommendations much more actively than those who use one channel.

The requirements for an omnichannel client service are quite simple - a seamless transition of the client from one communication channel to another throughout the entire route, taking into account the context.

Key and important directions for the implementation of the omnichannel trading model

Intensify the role of mobile technologies. The usage of mobile technologies allows you to carefully track sales and make the process of interaction with the client smoother.

Personalization. Both small and large brands have seen a certain tension between the desire of customers to maintain privacy and at the same time receive personalized offers.

Scaling Omnichannel Logistics. Retailers have historically focused on a live experience of interaction, developing a network of outlets. But by ignoring merchandising and current offerings like mobile assistants or augmented reality tools, without developing planning and supply chain management, they bear risks both for themselves and for brands: a fuzzy understanding of the customer journey and loss of business control.

The omnichannel model should be implemented as far as possible

To do this, select a complete list of omnichannel application areas and currently relevant growth points.

It is also important to identify the channels through which the client can receive information and the product itself:

  • Web site
  • Mobile version of the site or mobile application
  • Social media
  • Messengers
  • Consulting centers, offices, retail outlets and technical support

If you want to grow, then you should understand that sooner or later, whether it is a small or medium-sized business, Omnichannel cannot be avoided. It is necessary to focus on the implementation of a fully functional omnichannel platform.

The fusion of all channels of interaction with the client is the future, and it is necessary today to create a quality service using omnichannel.

Interested in implementing an omnichannel system in retail?

The Loyalty Culture platform will help you solve these problems and make your client's portrait very simple and understandable. You will understand the true needs of the client, the way he moves between your brands or sales channels.