2022-04-07 23:53

Loyalty Culture transfers the buyer to premium product categories

An interesting observation

To make our product better, we often analyze the behavior of our customers' regular customers, and here is an interesting point we noticed:

The buyer has a high average check and visits the store regularly, but when buying “paired” products (tomatoes and basil, wine and cheese, which are literally made for each other), he chooses the most expensive and low-grade second item for the expensive first item.

Why is this happening and how to help the client make the right choice, and the business owner to increase sales of more expensive and premium products?

Marketing can be managed

Every marketer knows that by stimulating buyers only with unaddressed promotions, the trading network reduces its profits. But, thanks to the Loyalty Culture platform and its tools (RFM analysis, product recommendations, mailings, notifications), you can increase the profitability per customer without significant business costs.

The system should simply invite the customer to try a new product of a higher level that would satisfy his consumer preferences.

At the same time, there is an opportunity to test new products, and, if the results are successful, to replace the old assortment with a new, more marginal and premium one.

From theory to practice

At the very beginning, it is worth determining the algorithm of actions and step by step move the buyer to more expensive goods and form the desired level of revenue.

Let's take a real example of how a marketer works with the categories of goods "Apples" and "Curd products from natural raw materials without substitutes" on the Loyalty Culture platform.

1. Using the "intelligent marketer" function, we determine the audience of buyers according to the "Increase the classiness of purchased goods" scenario and group them into clusters according to the similarity of purchases of goods from the same category.

2. After the formation of an audience that meets the requirements, the marketer forms a campaign in which he selects an already prepared audience from the RFM analysis.

3. The Loyalty Culture platform selects for the marketer products for promotion that can be offered to the buyer in order to transfer him to products of a higher quality and value category.

4. Using the Loyalty Culture platform, the marketer launches a newsletter using the most efficient and cost-effective communication method for each client (push notifications, e-mail, viber or SMS). It also generates a proposal for a replacement in the product card of an online store and speech modules for the replacement of goods for store employees.


Only the selected target audience received one-time discounts on products of a higher price segment, and after the purchase, 32% of customers changed their taste preferences in favor of better and more expensive products in the Apples product category and 38% in the product category Curd products from natural raw materials without substitutes »;

The trading network tested and revised the demand for more expensive and high-quality products, increasing turnover and sales margins;

Marketers have optimized mailing costs and discounts for direct promotions.

Do you have any questions? Want to learn more about the mechanics? write to us at office@loycult.com or call +7 (495) 12-88-901, +7 (3412) 901-907 and we will be happy to answer any questions.