
Don't be afraid of information technology!

Often in a business, especially in a developing one, something happens to improve!
And so, when looking for solutions, you come across a new product that you either heard very little about or nothing about. And it seems that here it is, the solution to your problem, and the search was crowned with your success, but something inside keeps you from buying.

Particular distrust can be received by a product that is completely in the service market. A twofold question arises: some want to buy, but are afraid, while others want to sell, but do not know how to convey that they should not be afraid.

The fear of acquiring something new is absolutely normal, and it has several reasons. Let's try to voice these reasons on the Loyalty Culture platform allay your fears.

Waste of money

Business, regardless of its scale, is always a risk, but the risk can be minimized through proper management. And if we are talking about optimizing business processes, then you should understand that you cannot achieve results without investments.

Be sure that the chances of buying “not what you wanted” are very small when it comes to a complex IT product. First, because before we get started, many of our   specialists check and recheck the necessity and possibility of introducing technology into your business, so that neither you nor we suffer losses.
The implementation of the Platform is a voluminous multi-stage process, at the beginning of which lies a serious study:
1. Analysis of current projects (including projects of companies included in the holding);
2. Analysis of competitors and related industries (Izhevsk and other regions of the Russian Federation);
3. Formation of a strategy. Based on the data received, a proposal for the development of the client is formed, based on the identified growth points and our solutions.

Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to buy a “pig in a poke”!


Another fear — the purchase price will be different.

The price under one contract for the agreed items does not change! Of course, we do not rule out that you will want to improve more and introduce new modules for the benefit of your business, in this case we will legally fix additional functions and calculate the cost.

Recall that the implementation is a multi-stage process, which is divided into stages and each stage is calculated.

Even before the start of implementation, our clients see the cost of each stage and, it is very important to note that the time intervals are also clear and are announced by our specialists before the start of implementation.
As you can see, everything is quite logical and understandable.

If you are ready to take your business to a new, more advanced level using the most advanced solutions, leave a request at office@loycult.com or call +7 (495) 12-88-901, +7 ( 3412) 901-907, we'll be happy to help.
2022-04-07 16:48