Sometimes it happens that a business (most often an info business or an educational one) is faced with the task of creating a Telegram bot that will be used, for example, in trainings and for sending out homework after them.
The tasks are not easy, especially if you do not have programming knowledge.
Below are some of the services that can be easily found on the web in the public domain.
The service works exclusively through its Telegram bot, which is a plus in favor of mobility, but a minus in ease of use (especially for large tasks). Manybot allows you to create a bot with a multi-level keyboard, connect RSS feeds and make a newsletter to bot subscribers.
Suitable for very simple bots with keyboards up to 4 levels deep. If you need a bot to create a regular keyboard, you can test the constructor from the link in the description.
The Puzzlebot service is completely different from the previous one in terms of capabilities: a convenient personal account, an understandable site structure, suitable for constructing bots and working with channels (posting, moderation statistics) and groups.
The Puzzlebot constructor is great for implementing complex bots and more.
It is completely impossible to work from the phone (for example, it will not be possible to transfer blocks from the palette to the command screen). You can’t make private commands and set up mailings to groups of people, the functionality of the free package is very limited (only the constructor with restrictions is available).
In comparison with the presented ones, the Puzzlebot service is the most suitable, since the service was able to complete all the most important tasks and has more advantages compared to other platforms. Do not exclude the presence of advantages and other services, at the current moment their choice is huge.
However, if you are planning to organize a chat bot or a mobile application for your business without the use of third-party services and according to a unique technical task, leave a request at or call +7 (495) 12- 88-901, +7 (3412) 901-907, we will be happy to help.
You can read about the comparison of chatbots and mobile applications here.